September 29, 2009



Client#1: American Cancer Society (contact: Tamara Ehlin)
Project: Pink & Black Tie Gala – “Starring Brooklyn”
Pieces: 1. Post Card (Save the Date) 5” X 7”
2. Invitation (size up to you) w/ Reply card (5” X 7”)
Deadline: Printed and Mounted for presentation Monday, October 19, by 1PM in my hands.

Client#2: CLASP (contact:
Project: 5th Annual Colloquium - Urban Dreams & Reality”
Pieces: 1. Poster (11” X 17”)
2. Brochure/tri-fold (8.5” X 11”)
Deadline: Printed and Mounted for presentation Monday, October 26, by 1PM in my hands.

Client#3: New York City College of Technology (contact:
Project: Commencement & Honors Program Covers
Pieces: 1. Commencement Exercises (12" x 10.5" wrap around cover)
2. Honors Convocation (11" x 8.5" wrap around cover)
Deadline: Printed and Mounted for presentation Monday, December 7, by 1PM in my hands.

Client#4: City Tech Writer (contact:
Project: City Tech Writer Journal Cover
Pieces: 1. City Tech Writer cover (8.5” X 11”)
Deadline: Printed and Mounted for presentation Monday, December 7, by 1PM in my hands.



Text & Dates are subject to change.
You/we need to be able to make changes to text.

This applies to all assignments.

CLASP: Poster Specs & Text

The following is the information for the CLASP poster assignment.

Poster Size: 11" X 17" (Portrait)

Headline Text:

Urban Dreams & Reality

5th Annual CLASP Colloquium

Location Text:

LaGuardia Community College
Long Island City, NY 11101

Date Text:

Friday, April 2, 2010, 10 am - 4 pm

Additional Text:

Call for papers and registration at


CLASP: Text for Brochure

The following is the text that will go on the CLASP brochure. It will be an 8.5' X 11" sheet , with a tri-fold. Don't forget the Image on the cover. This should be designed as "landscape" to fit the format.

This is in addition to the CLASP 11" X 17" Event Poster.

CLASP brochure copy (assuming an 8 ½ x 11 trifold)

Panel 1

What is CLASP?
CLASP stands for the CUNY League of Active Speech Professors. This is our sixth annual colloquium.
Who is CLASP for?
If you teach Speech Communication classes within CUNY, CLASP is for you.
What is CLASP’s mission?
The mission of the CUNY League of Active Speech Professors is to promote the communication discipline within the City University of New York and to foster the pedagogical practices and research of its faculty. We prepare our students to communicate effectively as democratic citizens in a global environment. We accomplish our mission by sponsoring faculty colloquia, forums for students’ speeches, and networking opportunities for students, faculty, and communication professionals.

Gordon Alley-Young, President
Alan Winson, Vice-President
Patricia Sokolski, Treasurer
Kaitlin Cruz, Secretary

Join the CLASP Conversation.

Panel 2

Have more questions?
You can email us at
Or visit our website:
This event is made possible through the support of the Borough of Manhattan Community College: Dr. Antonio PĂ©rez, President; Dr. Sadie Bragg, BMCC Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs; Dr. Susana Powell, Chair of Department of Speech, Communications, and Theatre; xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

This event was planned with the help of the CLASP Colloquium Committee:
Hollis Glaser, BMCC, & Eva Kolbusz, BMCC, Co- Chairs
Gordon Alley-Young, KBCC
Kaitlin Cruz, KBCC
Shauna Vey, NYCCT
Alan Winson, JJ

We also wish to thank:
Dr. Gloria Nicosia, Chair of the Dept of Communications & Performing Arts, and the Department of Printing Services at Kingsborough Community College.

Prof. Mary Ann Biehl, Chair, and Professors Anthony Accardo and Nassar McMayo of the Department of Advertising Design and Graphic Art at New York City College of Technology.

Panel 3

Urban Dreams & Realities
CLASP Colloquium 2010
Borough of Manhattan Community College
April 16, 2010
Call for Presentations

CLASP brochure copy (assuming an 8 ½ x 11 trifold)

Panel 1

CLASP 2009
Urban Dreams and Realities.
The City University of New York has long been an institution where all New Yorkers could come to pursue their educational goals, to realize their potential, to fulfill their dreams. As we move into the coming decade, CUNY is faced with new realities--a changing student population, an uncertain economy, a turbulent political environment. The 2010 CLASP colloquium will be a place where communication educators will explore the many ways public speech at CUNY, both in the classroom and administratively, helps our city face the complex future of an urban institution of higher education.

Panel 2

Do I have to write a paper?
No, prepare an interesting oral presentation, just as you would have students do in your own classroom.
If I want to present, what are my options?
We want to hear about your research activity or publications, your best teaching practices, and especially anything that you are doing to take speech across the curriculum ands outside of the academy. We are also open to proposals for issue-focused roundtables or other non-traditional formats.
Panels will be organized around the following broad areas:
Current inquiry in speech communication (e.g., articles and/or books at various stages of completion). Sharing research and thought can provide you with valuable feedback and insights.
Best approaches to teaching speech communication (e.g., grading scales, course designs, effective materials, assignments, activities). We` all face similar barriers and bottlenecks in teaching; share your solutions so that others can profit.
Building community across the curriculum and outside of academia (e.g., working across departments, working with businesses or nonprofits to offer a better speech education). Share your efforts and partnerships. We also welcome presentations that explore broader dynamics within CUNY, changes across time, comparisons of different campus programs, and relationships with CUNY administration.

Panel 3

Am I limited to these topics?
Not at all, we welcome your suggestions.
Fill out the form at
Deadline for Presentation Proposals is March 1, 2009.

Do I have to pay to attend?
A $10 registration fee covers the all-day program including lunch.
How do I register?
You have two choices:
Fill out the enclosed form and mail it to us, along with your check made out to CUNY League of Active Speech Professors. Or Register online at: and pay when you check in.

Deadline for Registration is March 20, 2009. But Register early, space is limited to 60 participants.



A vote was take today about our classroom situation.
The majority has voted to remain in N1104;
and pushing up the class time to 9:00AM-11:30AM.

September 25, 2009

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala 2009 Invitation Interior

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala 2009 Invitation Interior

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala 2009 RSVP

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala 2009 RSVP

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala 2009 Invitation

Rear of last years invitation.

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala Assignment Pt 2

This is the Cover for the 2009 invitation.

Part 2 of the "Starring Brooklyn" assignment is the invitation.

This will consist of 4 parts:

1. Exterior envelope (you do not need to design this).

2. Invitation ... wide open ... you need to be creative, and get the potential sponser/event attendees' attention.

3. Envelope for RSVP card (you do not need to design this either).

4. RSVP card ... attendee sends back his response and check.

ACS Pink & Black Tie Gala Assignment Pt 1

Remember: This is to be Mailed out so leave room on the back for Postage and Addressee label.

This project consists of:

1.Postcard - To inform potential donors of the upcoming gala event (save this date).
Gala Theme - "Starring Brooklyn"

Size is 5" x 7".
Full-Color, B&W, or Black and Pink. (The choice is yours).

a. On the front:
-Iconic Image of Brooklyn as the "Star" of movie.
-American Cancer Society
-Pink & Black Tie Gala (Logo Type will be supplied)
-Event Date
-Starring Brooklyn

b. On the Back:
-Pink & Black Tie Gala
-Save the date!
-Starring Brooklyn
-Join us to Celebrate the best of Brooklyn
-Hosted by Brooklyn's own Stacy London of TLC's "What Not to Wear"
-Date (to be supplied)
-Stage 6 at Steiner Studios, 6pm - 10:30pm
-15 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
-Pink and Black Attire Suggested
-For tickets, sponsorship opportunities and more information please contact Tamara Ehlin at
-718.622.2492 ext. 5115 or
-HOPE. Progress. Answers. 800.ACS.2345
-American Cancer Society Logo with address: 17 Eastern Pkwy
5th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11238

American Cancer Society Assignment

I contacted the Brooklyn Historical Society this morning, and got permission for you to access the archives there. They will allow you to use 2 high resolution images from the collection.

Julie May is the contact person at the Library/Photographic Collection, her number is (718) 222-4111, ext. 224. Let her know that you are in my class, working on the American Cancer Society Gala invitation poster.

She will send me the digital file, and I will get it to you in class. But there will be some time down while she accesses the files and gets them to me, so don't delay if you are planning to use their resources.

The address is:

The Brooklyn Historical Society
128 - Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn NY 11201
Tel: 718 222-4111

Admission is $4 for students (not sure if this is mandatory or a suggestion, ask!)
This fee entitles you to access the Museum & Library.
Library is on the second floor, Julie is putting together a packet to help access the archives, so ask for her.

Library Hours are limited from Wed-Fri, 1-5PM.

September 16, 2009

Getting Busy

Hi Everyone,

We will be meeting with two new clients in the next class. That will bring the project list up to three assignments. There will be two more clients after that, for a total of 5 projects this semester.

September 13, 2009

Specs for Asst #1 Commencement & Honors Covers

These are the specs for 2 covers on assignment #1:

1. Commencement Exercises -

Final Trim Size - 12" x 10.5" (wrap around cover).

Text - 70th Commencement Exercises
New York city College of Technology
The City University of New York
June 2, 2010

Include - City Tech & CUNY logos.

2. Honors Convocation -

Final Trim Size - 11" x 8.5" (wrap around cover).

Text - Honors Convocation
New York city College of Technology
The City University of New York
May 27, 2010

Include - City Tech & CUNY logos.

Contact Person: Vincent DeFazio
Email : VDEFAZIO@CityTech.Cuny.EDU